Tamiya 1:35 Britischer Cusader Mk.III Med. Tank 300037025

Marke: Tamiya

Art.Nr.: 300037025
Artikelbezeichnung: 1:35 Brit. Cusader Mk.III Med. Tank This is a Tamiya-Italeri Series model kit based upon the Italeri British Cruiser Tank Mk.VI Cusader Mk.III. Like other products in the series, it updates the original Italeri kit it has new and updated parts from the Italian maker, plus Tamiya figures, decals and instruction manual, all packaged in a new Tamiya box! The Crusader was an important tank for British forces in North Africa, and the Mk.III variant was up gunned with a 6-pounder gun and more reliable engine that made it a force to be reckoned with. This effectiveness made it the most produced tank in the Crusader family.

Artikelnummer: 207149

Lagernd - sofort lieferbar

Versandgewicht: 423 Gramm.

Deutschland: Standard DHL Lieferzeit 1 bis 3 Tage.

(Auslandsversand Lieferzeit 3 bis 14 Tage)

37,60 EUR *
Inhalt 1 Stück
* Alle Preise inkl. Mwst zuzüglich Versandkosten
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Tamiya 1:35 Britischer Cusader Mk.III Med. Tank 300037025


Art.Nr.: 300037025
Artikelbezeichnung: 1:35 Brit. Cusader Mk.III Med. Tank This is a Tamiya-Italeri Series model kit based upon the Italeri British Cruiser Tank Mk.VI Cusader Mk.III. Like other products in the series, it updates the original Italeri kit it has new and updated parts from the Italian maker, plus Tamiya figures, decals and instruction manual, all packaged in a new Tamiya box! The Crusader was an important tank for British forces in North Africa, and the Mk.III variant was up gunned with a 6-pounder gun and more reliable engine that made it a force to be reckoned with. This effectiveness made it the most produced tank in the Crusader family.


Dieser Artikel ist kein Spielzeug, geeignet für Modellsportler ab 14 Jahren !


Benutzung unter unmittelbarer Aufsicht von Erwachsenen.

Art.-ID 207149
Zustand Neu & OVP
Altersfreigabe Ohne Altersbeschränkung
Varianten-ID 300037025
Modell 300037025
Hersteller Tamiya
Herstellungsland Japan
Inhalt 1 Stück
Gewicht 423 g
Maße 25×170×155mm
Zolltarifnummer 95030035

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